Deep Dive 1

Deep Dive Breakout 1: Cutting Through the Noise with a New Congress

The 118th Congress has been messy and its unclear whether the 119th Congress will be any better. What are some strategies to build visibility and awareness when a new Congress is in session? How do you assess changed committee and party leadership? How can you begin successful relationships with new members and their staff, and […]

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Deep Dive Breakout 1: With a Little Help from My Friends: Effectively Using External Coalitions and Internal Teams

To complete your surround sound advocacy experience, you will need to coordinate across departments and utilize outside industry coalitions. How do we navigate different personalities, priorities, and expertise when working with internal and external teams? How can we identify and connect with potential allies, build strong relationships, and leverage the power of collective action? What

Deep Dive Breakout 1: With a Little Help from My Friends: Effectively Using External Coalitions and Internal Teams Read More »

Deep Dive Breakout 1: Don’t Be a One Hit Wonder: Turning Advocacy Wins and Industry Awards into Sustained Program Funding and Support

Policy wins and industry awards don’t pay the bills. Hear how to build that momentum into compelling campaigns for funding and continued growth of your advocacy program. In a world of small wins and playing the long game, how do you build a narrative from your efforts and show the importance of your work? Panelists 

Deep Dive Breakout 1: Don’t Be a One Hit Wonder: Turning Advocacy Wins and Industry Awards into Sustained Program Funding and Support Read More »

Deep Dive Breakout 1: Joining the Chorus: How Your Advocacy Work Actually Makes the World a Better Place

It’s true: the data shows that participation in grassroots advocacy actually increases positive perceptions of democracy and civic engagement by advocates. Dr. Amy Meli presents her research findings and leads a panel of advocacy practitioners who will share the hopeful takeaways they’ve gathered from years in the industry. Nora Eigenbrodt, National Eczema AssociationGabe Snow, National

Deep Dive Breakout 1: Joining the Chorus: How Your Advocacy Work Actually Makes the World a Better Place Read More »